⚜️1st Face to Face Scouting since lockdown!

==Including Throwbacks to Scouting @Home==

For the very first time since the easing of COVID restrictions, our Scout section met at the temple for their youth meeting.

It was not only exciting to see each other again but also a special occasion to witness the investiture of our latest Scout youth, Alexander Smith as he took his promise and formally joined the Scouting family.

The afternoon was spent checking their preparedness in packing for a day hike and going through the Outdoor Adventure Skill booklet for level 1 and 2 of the bushwalking skill.

Our Scouts were having so much fun planning activities that they realise they needed funding and so they decided they like run a fundraising project to fund their outdoor activities. Next week, they will explore the possibilities of a garage sale. So please keep an eye out as more information will surely come soon.

This will be a great opportunity for these eager youths to learn organising and coordinating events by themselves.

Meanwhile, the Cubs had a wonderful session learning and discovering about space and the astronaut’s life in a space shuttle. To top it off, they were given time to draw or make a space shuttle out of recycled material and everyone of them showed their creativity in so many ways!

Now for the throwback, since we begun virtual Scouting, our youths were more engaged than ever. The activities held online were becoming the new normal, our youths were becoming more confident and engaging at the same time. Coupled with the leaders ingenious online activities and ground rules, Scouting@Home has become second nature to many.

From the last few meetings, our group is happy to report Joeys having a virtual Easter egg hunt 👉ever wonder how that is done? Then look at the last picture of this post, try your hunting skills and test your eyes.

Joeys 🦘 also had time to write and present on who their role model's are and collect recyclables to discuss about recycling and the impacts.

Our Cubs planned an activity about 🚣‍♀️"Adventure & the Outdoors" 🚵‍♂️ and created Australian animals using recycled materials! With the new program, there is a Plan>Do>Review so our Cubs wrote a review in their Scouting booklet and presented at the virtual meeting sharing with other cubs of their achievements!


🌳Tree Planting Day⚜️


2020 Volunteer Week